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Check for Available Downloads

Quickly use your Multipurpose USB Device to check for available downloads.
Use the download to restore or upgrade your Multipurpose USB Device.


Step 1: Download the Tool

Your available downloads may include a free or discounted upgrade!

To identify your available downloads, follow these instructions to use the Service Center Multipurpose USB Device (MUD) Analyzer Tool. The tool will automatically redirect you to a webpage with your available downloads and further instructions.


Step 2: Perform The Following Steps...

  1. Locate your Service Center Multipurpose USB Device (MUD) and insert it into an available USB port
  2. Extract the zip file and execute scmudanalyzerutil.exe
  3. The Service Center MUD Analyzer Tool will analyze your MUD and redirect you to a webpage with further instruction

MUD Examples


Service Center 9-14 (Version 3) Multipurpose USB Device


Service Center 15 and up (Version 4) Multipurpose USB Device

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