The PC-Doctor Support Portal allows you to browse self-help Knowledge Base Articles and submit/view support tickets.
PC-Doctor cares about what our customers, partners, and others think, and we are always searching for ways to better communicate with them. Please join our online community to make your voice heard and learn about PC-Doctor, diagnostics, and technical and engineering subjects.
Your license allows you to diagnose an unlimited number of computers, one at a time. An included locking device must be attached to a USB port to run the diagnostics. The Multipurpose USB Device provided in the kit can be used stand-alone to boot and run Bootable Diagnostics and can store test reports, system snapshots, and other information. Whether using the USB device or the Diagnostics DVD, there is no installation requirement — simply run Service Center and start testing!
To learn more about using Service Center, refer to the "Getting Started Guide" as an excellent starting point.